Monday, January 17, 2011

President Barack Obama a 4th Grade Oral report

President Barack Obama

Prop #1 Small baby: Barack was born August 4th 1961. His father’s name was Barack. He’s from Africa. His mother Ann is from USA, Kansas.
Prop #2 Barack sign: As you know president Barack was named after his father and the name Barack is from Africa and it means blessed. And blessed he is.

Alone sentence:Sadly his parents devorced when he was only two but he did not see his father until he was ten. Luckly his mother got remarried to Lolo from Indonesia.
Prop #3 Basketball: His mother sent him to his grandparents to live and his new hobby was basketball.
Prop#4 Babies: In 1985 he left and started to volunteer places like read books to children.
Prop#5 Vail: Barak Obama got married to Michelle Robinson who was a lawyer like Barack. He had returned to Chicago were his old job was, to marry her in 1992.
Prop#6 Name & year signs: Years later in 1998 they had a girl named Malia and three years later they had a girl named Sasha.
Prop#7 Pics of S.C & J.J: President Obama wasn’t the first to try towin nomination that was black but he is the first to win. Shirley Chisholm tried and so did Jesse Jackson.
Prop#8 Obama-Biden sign: Some of the Clinton voters wanted Barack her for Vice President. Instead he picked Joe Biden. Senator Joe Biden was going to run for president until Barack asked him to be Vice Presedent. Then people started wearing Obama-Biden pins.

Alone: Republicans were voteing for John McCain a vietnam war hero. John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, four year running govenor of Alaska.
Prop#9 Pink Sweater & glasses: The only time he left was to visit his old frail grandmother who was about to have her 86th birthday. Sadley she died two days before the election. But he did not give up hope.
Prop#10 8 Million Sign: When Obama won the election he won by Eight million votes. African Americans, Hispanic, Aisans and whites all votes for him.

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